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  • KalyanaMitta
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Sutra Tentang Maitreya Bodhisattva Mencapai Buddha
« on: 25 December 2008, 02:00:16 AM »
Buddha Pronounces the Sūtra of Maitreya Bodhisattva's Attainment of Buddhahood
Translated from Sanskrit into Chinese in the Yao Chin Dynasty
The Tripiṭaka Master Kumārajīva from Kucha  http://www.sutrasmantras.info/sutra11.html

Buddhavacana Maitreya Bodhisattva Sutra
(Sutra Tentang Maitreya Bodhisattva Mencapai Buddha)
milis dharmajala

Indonesia campur Inggris karena bhs indonesianya tidak lengkap

Satu saat dari pikiran yang dikuasai amarah membakar kebaikan yang telah dikumpulkan selama berkalpa-kalpa.
~ Mahavairocana Sutra

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  • KalyanaMitta
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Re: Sutra Tentang Maitreya Bodhisattva Mencapai Buddha
« Reply #1 on: 25 December 2008, 02:00:51 AM »
Demikian yang kudengar:

Ketika itu Buddha Sakyamuni berdiam di Kerajaan Magadha setelah Beliau
menjelajah ke suatu tempat suci yang bernama: Gunung Pasa. Pada masa
silam tempat ini selalu dihuni Mara jahat yang sering mengganggu serta
menyerang para Buddha yang hidup pada zaman itu, namun setiap serangan
Mara jahat dapat dikalahkan oleh para Buddha yang berada di atas gunung

Ketika musim panas tiba, sebagian besar dari Bhikshu yang berada di
dalam Vihara sedang mengadakan liburan Varsa-Vasana dan mereka jarang
bepergian ke tempat yang jauh. Pada saat itu, Hyang Buddha bersama
dengan murid-Nya, Arya Sariputra, sedang berjalan-jalan di puncak gunung
Pasa, tiba-tiba Beliau terkenang kembali akan masa silam, yakni gambaran
para Buddha, dan Beliau sangat mengagumi-Nya karena para Buddha pada
masa silam memiliki tenaga batin (Rddhibala) yang demikian kuat dapat
menaklukkan para Mara jahat di tempat suci ini! Kemudian Hyang Buddha
juga mengenang dan memuji kebijaksanaan serta kewibawaan dari seorang
Buddha baru yang akan muncul di dunia ini pada masa yang akan datang.
Kemudian Beliau mengucapkan Gatha memuji-Nya:

"Dengarlah baik-baik, O, Arya Sariputra!
Terdapat satu Samadhi yang disebut Maharasmiprabhasa;
Seorang Arya yang memiliki pahala yang tak terhingga.
Dan yang akan mengunjungi ke dunia Jambudvipa!
Dan yang akan mengkhotbahkan Saddharma-Nya pada masa mendatang.

Siapa yang mendengar atau menghayati Dharma-Nya,
Pasti mencapai Kesempurnaan!
Bagaikan orang haus yang menemukan air suci Amrta (minuman Dewa);
Setelah meminum airnya ia akan segera bebas dari kesengsaraan!"

Setelah kabar baik dari tempat suci ini diketahui oleh keempat kelompok
siswa Buddha Sakyamuni yakni para Bhiksu, Bhiksuni, Upasaka, Upasika
serta rombongan dari para umat awam, mereka datang berbondong-bondong,
dan di antara mereka banyak yang membawa perkakas-perkakas menuju ke
tempat suci ini. Dengan gembira mereka melebarkan atau meratakan jalan
dengan perkakasnya, membersihkan tempat suci itu dengan sapu dan
alat-alat lain. Kemudian mereka menyalakan dupa wangi, menyiramkan air
wangi serta menaburkan bunga-bunga di depan Hyang Buddha. Bahkan banyak
peserta yang menyajikan sajian-sajian suci kepada Hyang Buddha serta
para Bhiksu Sangha. Mereka dengan khidmat dan gembira menatap wajah
Buddha Sakyamuni, seperti seorang anak yang memiliki rasa sayang kepada
orang tuanya! Mereka seperti orang yang kehausan dan ingin memperoleh
minuman segar.
Sungguh, mereka menginginkan 'Bapak-Dharma'-nya sudi mlindungi dan
membimbing mereka. Maka dari itu, para hadirin bertekad dan bersatu hati
ingin meminta kepada Raja Dhamma untuk memutarkan Roda Dharma kepada
mereka! Kini mereka telah memanunggalkan pikirannya, dan hati nuraninya
pun seperti aliran air yang terus mengalir ke hati Hyang Buddha.

Dengan serentak para Bhikshu, Bhikshuni, Upasaka, Upasika, Dewa, Naga,
Gandharva, Asura, Garuda, Kimnara, Mahoraga, manusia, serta bukan
manusia, semua bangkit dari tempat duduknya, lalu mengelilingi Hyang
Buddha dari kanan ke kiri sebanyak 3 kali, kemudian bernamaskara di
depan Hyang Buddha dengan mencucurkan air mata dan mengeluarkan tangisan
tersedu-sedu di tempat suci tersebut.
Satu saat dari pikiran yang dikuasai amarah membakar kebaikan yang telah dikumpulkan selama berkalpa-kalpa.
~ Mahavairocana Sutra

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  • KalyanaMitta
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Re: Sutra Tentang Maitreya Bodhisattva Mencapai Buddha
« Reply #2 on: 25 December 2008, 02:01:37 AM »
Waktu itu, Yang Mahajnana Sang Arya Sariputra merapikan jubahnya agar
pundak kanannya terlihat. Beliau bukan saja mengerti perasaan para
hadirin bahkan isi hati dari Raja Dharma pun diketahuinya. Maka beliau
bisa menuruti kemauan Buddha dan membantu Buddha memutar Roda Dharma.
Kini, beliau adalah seorang Pembantu Buddha yang berjasa dan ia adalah
seorang Panglima Dharma yang penuh kuasa! Sekarang beliau sedang iba
terhadap segala makhluk yang sengsara dan bertekad membantu mereka
melepaskan belenggu penderitaan kelahiran dan kematian. Maka, setelah ia
berpikir matang segeralah ia memohon kepada Hyang Buddha untuk
menerangkan tentang arti dari Gatha yang baru saja diucapkan di tempat
suci ini:

"O, Tathagata yang termulia! Terangkanlah kepada kami arti dari
Gatha-gatha yang baru saja Hyang Tathagata ucapkan di puncak gunung Pasa
tadi! Kami ingin tahu siapakah Arya termulia yang disanjung oleh
Tathagata tadi. Sebab, dalam Sutra-sutra yang pernah Hyang Tathagata
khotbahkan, sama sekali tak tercatat orang seperti itu! O, Tathagata!
Hadirin yang sedemikian banyak telah mencucurkan airmata karena
berhasrat ingin mengetahui Arya yang termulia itu, dan mereka sangat
menghargai jasa-jasa yang dapat dicapai di dunia manusia yang telah
dimilikinya! Sekarang mereka telah siap untuk mendengar khotbah
Tathagata tentang Buddha baru yang akan muncul di dunia Jambudvipa pada
masa yang akan datang, agar jalan menuju ke tempat air suci Amrta itu
terbuka selebar-lebarnya bagi mereka! Kami mohon agar Hyang Tathagata
sudi menjelaskan tentang nama, jasa-jasa, Rddhibala serta negeri Buddha
baru yang indah dan agung dari Sang Maitreya itu, serta syarat-syarat
apakah yang harus dipenuhi seseorang yang hendak dilahirkan ke negeri
Buddha baru itu; Dan mereka harus memiliki akar kebaikan apa? Harus
menjalani Sila apa? Selama hidup di dunia mereka harus melaksanakan
Samadhi apa? Harus beramal dengan Dana apa? Harus memiliki kebijaksanaan
yang bagaimana? Ketrampilan apa yang harus dimiliki agar mereka dapat
memperoleh kesempatan yang cerah untuk melihat Buddha Maitreya? Dan,
jika mereka telah berada di negeri-Nya bagaimana cara melaksanakan
Dharma Aryastangika-Marga (8 Jalan Kesucian) agar dapat mencapai
ke-Buddha-an sedini mungkin!"

Begitu pertanyaan Arya Sariputra selesai, ratusan ribu Dewaputra dan
para Raja Brahma yang datang dari berbagai Sorga semua mengatupkan
telapak tangan dengan khidmat dan serentak memohon kepada Hyang Buddha

"O, Tathagata yang termulia! Izinkanlah! Bantulah kami untuk memperoleh
kesempatan yang cerah untuk melihat atau bertemu Buddha Maitreya yang
memiliki pahala teragung di dunia manusia; Yang dapat menggugah mata
umat di alam Triloka menjadi terang; Yang akan menguraikan Saddharma
yang mengandung Maha-Maitri-Karuna untuk para makhluk Jambudvipa di masa
yang akan datang!"

Pada saat itu juga kelompok makhluk beramai-ramai ber-anjali dengan
serentak memohon kepada Hyang Tathagata untuk menguraikan Dharma-Nya.
Kemudian para Raja Brahma bersama dengan pengikutnya mengatupkan
tangannya lagi, seraya memuji Hyang Tathagata dengan Gatha-Gatha sebagai

"Namo Tasya Bhagavat Bulan Purnama nan Sempurna!
Yang memiliki Tathagata Dasabala!
(10 amcam Tenaga Buddha) Jendral Maha Virya.
Seorang manusia yang perkasa, tak memiliki rasa takut;
Tapi memiliki Sarvajnana! (segala kebijaksanaan)
Ia yang keluar dari Triloka!
Ketiga macam Vidya telah diraih-Nya; (Tisro Vidya: Purva-Nivasanusmrti,
Cyuty-Upapada, dan Asrava-Ksaya)
Keempat macam Mara pun ditaklukkan-Nya! (Catvaro-Mara: Skandha, Klesa,
Mrtyu/kematian, dan Mara dari Devaputra)
Ia adalah penyebar Buddha Dharma;
Hati-Nya tenang, tak tergoyahkan sedikitpun!
Walaupun masih berada di dunia Ia tak terikat keduniawian!
Ungkapan-Nya: Segala sesuatu pada dasarnya Sunya (kosong)
Namun juga tidak kosong total.
Makna dari ke-Sunyata-an telah diuraikan di dalam Sutra-Nya.
Apalagi kami sekalian telah bersatu hati,
Bertekad berlindung kepada Hyang Tathagata!
Kami mohon, O, Tathagata!
Putarkanlah Roda Dharma kepada kami sekalian!"
Satu saat dari pikiran yang dikuasai amarah membakar kebaikan yang telah dikumpulkan selama berkalpa-kalpa.
~ Mahavairocana Sutra

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  • KalyanaMitta
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Re: Sutra Tentang Maitreya Bodhisattva Mencapai Buddha
« Reply #3 on: 25 December 2008, 02:02:08 AM »
Setelah pujian dari para Raja Brahma selesai, Hyang Buddha bersabda
kepada Arya Sariputra:

"Dengarlah baik-baik dan renungkan artinya sedalam-dalamnya, O, Arya
Sariputra! Sekarang Aku akan menguraikan peristiwa-peristiwa tentang
Buddha baru itu secara terperinci untuk kamu sekalian! Sungguh, setelah
kalian memusatkan pikiran dengan batin yang tersuci memohon Aku
menguraikan Dharma-luhur yang disebut Maha-Prajna itu, kesemua maksud
kalian telah Aku ketahui, seumpama seperti buah Amale (buah Mangga)
matang yang berada di dalam telapak tangan-Ku!"

Hyang Buddha melanjutkan sabda-Nya:

"O, Arya Sariputra! Barangsiapa pernah mendengar nama Buddha atau pernah
ber-anjali (bersujud dengan merangkapkan telapak tangan), atau pun
pernah memuja tujuh Buddha dari masa silam - yakni: Buddha Vipasyi,
Buddha Sikhi, Buddha Visabhu, Buddha Kakusandha, Buddha Kanakamuni,
Buddha Kasyapa, dan Buddha Sakyamuni, di dalam Vihara-Nya atau di
depan-Nya. Maka jasa-jasa mereka itu akan menghilangkan segala
penghalang yang ditimbulkan oleh karma buruk! Dan, jika sekarang mereka
dapat mendengar Dharma yang penuh Maha-Maitri-Karuna dari Sang Maitreya,
maka mereka akan memperoleh sebuah hati yang suci. Betapa bahagianya!
Oleh karena itu, maka sekarang kamu sekalian harus bertekad berlindung
kepada Sang Maha-Maitri-Karuna yang akan muncul di masa mendatang itu!
Sekarang Aku akan menerangkan secara terperinci keadaan negeri Buddha
Maitreya yang akan terwujud setelah 5.670.000.000 tahun kepada kamu
sekalian: Di negeri-Nya seluruh rakyat mempunyai penghidupan benar,
rajin serta disiplin. Tidak ada seseorang pun yang berkelakuan munafik
atau leceh-budi. Dan rakyat-Nya selalu menjalankan Dana-Paramita,
Sila-Paramita, serta Prajna-Paramita, sehingga pikiran mereka tidak
mudah digoda atau melekatkan nafsu keinginan duniawi rendah. Mereka
selalu berpegang pada prinsip Pranidhana-Maha-Dasa memegahkan dirinya.

Pranidhana-Maha-Dasa = 10 Janji Utama, yakni:

1. Hormat kepada para Buddha;
2. Memuji Buddha;
3. Memuja Buddha;
4. Bertobat;
5. Ikut-bergembira;
6. Memohon kepada Buddha untuk memutarkan Roda Dharma;
7. Memohon kepada Buddha menetap di alam semesta;
8. Tekun menuntut ajaran Buddha;
9. Mengabdi kepada segala makhluk, dan
10. Menyalurkan jasanya.

Demikian pula, wibawa yang mereka miliki dapat menaklukkan para makhluk
yang berhati keras menjadi berhati lembut. Inilah sebabnya sehingga
mereka mendapat kesempatan bertemu Sang Maitreya dan dilindungi oleh
Maha-Maitri-Karuna-Nya! Pada saatnya mereka mengikuti Sang Maitreya
bersama-sama dilahirkan di alam Buddha Maitreya, guna mensucikan
indera-inderanya dan melaksanakan Dharma luhur yang diajarkan oleh
Buddha Maitreya hingga mencapai ke-Buddha-an!"

"O, Arya Sariputra! Pada saat Buddha baru tersebut dilahirkan di dunia
Jambudvipa (dunia yang dihuni umat manusia - zaman dahulu lazimnya
disebut daerah lingkungan kerajaan Hindu). Situasi dan kondisi dunia
Jambudvipa ini jauh lebih baik daripada sekarang! Air laut agak susut
dan daratan bertambah. Diameter permukaan laut dari ke 4 Lautan
masing-masing akan menyusut kira-kira 3 ribu Yojana (satu Yojana lebih
kurang 20 km), Bumi Jambudvipa dalam 10 ribu Yojana persegi - persis
kaca dibuat dari permata lazuardi dan, permukaan buminya demikian rata
dan bersih. Taman Bunga serta bermacam-macam kebun raya terdapat di
mana-mana dan banyak ditanami dengan bunga Maha-Mandarawa, bunga Sumana,
bunga Mahagandhamadanamala, bunga Ulpala, bunga Maha-Suvarnaphala,
Saptaratnaphala, Rupyaphala, dan bunga-bunga lainnya. Kuncup bunga dan
kelopaknya seperti anyaman sutera, lembut sekali! Dan, Buahnya pun
sedemikian lembut, halus, rasanya amat enak dan harum, namanya
Mangala-Phala. Adapun pohon-pohon yang berada di dalam taman atau yang
tumbuh di dalam hutan itu, semuanya demikian suburnya. Tingginya
mencapai 30 Li, dan panoramanya jauh lebih indah daripada Taman
Nandanavara yang dimiliki oleh Raja Sakra Dewa Indra di Sorga
Trayastrimsa. Dan, antara ibukota dengan kota-kota yang lain jaraknya
dekat sekali, hingga seekor ayam dapat terbang dari satu kota ke kota
lain! Rakyatnya memiliki kebijaksanaan, etika, dan moral yang luhur.
Mereka selalu menikmati 5 macam kesenangan dan berbagai perabot yang
modern dan canggih. Lingkungannya amat aman dan tentram. Kesehatan dari
semua rakyat juga terjamin! Tidak ada penyakit seperti demam, influensa,
masuk angin atau radang dalam atau luar bagaikan dibakar api. Mereka
juga terhindar dari 9 macam Klesa dan Duhkha, atau disebut penderitaan
dari penyakit dingin, panas, lapar, haus, berak, kencing, nafsu
keinginan, makan-minum, dan usia pendek. Usia mereka lazimnya mencapai
84.000 tahun dan tidak ada seorang pun yang mati muda. Tinggi badannya
mencapai 160 kaki. Penghidupan sehari-harinya amat bahagia, dan setiap
hari mereka melakukan Samadhi luhur sebagaimana suatu alat penikmatan!

Hanya saja mereka masih terikat 3 macam penderitaan yakni: Setiap hari
masih harus makan-minum; Setiap hari masih harus membuang air besar dan
kecil, dan adanya kekhawatiran akan usia-lanjut. Dan, para gadis-gadis
biasanya baru menikah setelah usianya mencapai 500 tahun.
Satu saat dari pikiran yang dikuasai amarah membakar kebaikan yang telah dikumpulkan selama berkalpa-kalpa.
~ Mahavairocana Sutra

Offline xenocross

  • KalyanaMitta
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Re: Sutra Tentang Maitreya Bodhisattva Mencapai Buddha
« Reply #4 on: 25 December 2008, 02:02:52 AM »
Di negeri Buddha Maitreya terdapat satu kota besar yang bernama Ketumat,
luasnya mencapai 1200 Yojana, tingginya mencapai 7 Yojana.
Bangunan-bangunan yang berada di dalam kota besar itu, menggunakan bahan
sintetis dari Saptaratna atau disebut 7 jenis permata, yakni: emas,
perak, lazuardi, kristal, indung-mutiara, mutiara-merah, dan akik. Semua
berdiri secara spontan, amat indah dan megah! Baik gedung bertingkat
tinggi, istana mewah, atau pun pagoda yang menjulang ke langit, semuanya
demikian rapi, mewah, unik, indah, dan bersih! Juga terdapat banyak
Ratnaputri (gadis-permata) yang dipasang di antara jendela-jendela besar
itu, tiap-tiap gadis-permata memegang sepasang jaring yang dihiasi penuh
dengan mutiara atau permata, dan jaring sutera itu dibentangkan di atas
bangunan-bangunan mewah itu, saat jaring itu digerakkan angin semilir,
lonceng-loncengnya berbunyi, suaranya seperti musik Sorga. Jajaran
pohon-pohon dari 7 macam permata terdapat banyak dengan sungai kecil
terletak di tengahnya. Sumber air dari induk permata berupa-rupa warna.
Meskipun arus air tak teratur turun-naik, simpang-siur, namun warnanya
tetap demikian terang tanpa dipengaruhi arus sedikit pun! Pinggiran
sungainya ditaburi pasir berwarna emas, sehingga kelihatan demikian
indah dan bersih! Jalan raya dan persimpangan jalan yang menuju ke huma
lebarnya mencapai 12 Li, semuanya demikian rata dan bersih, bagaikan
Taman Sorga yang dihiasi penuh dengan permata!

Di dekat kota Ketumat terdapat sebuah Kolam Naga, istana dari Raja Naga
itu megah sekali dan seperti gedung mewah yang dibuat dari Saptaratna.
Istana tersebut kadang-kadang dapat terlihat berada di tengah-tengah
Kolam Naga itu. Raja Naga tersebut bernama Tarasikhi, ia berwibawa, amat
perkasa dan memiliki banyak kebajikan; ia selalu menjelma menjadi
manusia pada malam hari, membawa sebuah Kundika-Sri (botol Dewa), yang
penuh berisi air wangi yang berwarna untuk menyiram seluruh bumi yang
telah dikotori oleh debu-debu, agar tanahnya selalu basah dan mengkilap
bagaikan habis disemir dengan minyak penggosok sehingga orang yang
berlalu lalang di sana tidak dikotori oleh debu sedikit pun! Ketahuilah,
semua ini adalah berkat kebajikan yang diperoleh dari masa ke masa oleh
para umat di situ!

Pada setiap jalan raya atau persimpangan jalan yang menuju ke huma itu,
terpancang tiang lampu yang disebut Manidipa, tingginya juga 12 Li, dan
terangnya jauh lebih terang daripada sinar matahari, menyinari 4 penjuru
hingga 8 Yojana. Sinar lampu-lampu itu berwarna kuning emas sejati. Pada
siang dan malam hari sinarnya tetap terang tak berubah sedikit pun,
sehingga lampu-lampu dari jenis apa pun sinarnya akan menjadi seperti
warna tinta hitam, sulit diperbandingkan dengannya!

Saat angin harum bertiup dan menggerakkan tiang Manidipa banyak untaian
kalung permata turun ke bumi seperti hujan, siapa yang menggunakan
kalung tersebut untuk menghiasi pakaiannya, pasti merasa seakan-akan
dirinya sedang menikmati kebahagiaan di Sorga Trityadhyanabhumi.
Di seluruh negeri-Nya terdapat tumpukan tambang permata, yaitu: emas,
perak, berupa-rupa mutiara, Maniratna dan sebagainya, semua bagaikan
gunung kecil dan tinggal dipergunakan siapa saja. Gunung permata itu
selalu memancarkan sinar dan sinarnya terus menyinari setiap kota,
berkat sinar permata itu rakyatnya merasa amat gembira hingga terus
membangkitkan Bodhicittanya.

Di negeri-Nya terdapat seorang Dewa Maha Yaksa yang bernama
Bhadrapalasasaka. Beliau adalah Dewa Pelindung kota Ketumat siang dan
malam. Semua warga kota demikian rajin menjaga kebersihan di lingkungannya.

Tanahnya pun amat gaib, bila ada kotoran seperti air kencing, tinja, dan
sebagainya ada di atas tanah maka tanahnya segera membelah sehingga
kotoran apa pun akan terserap sampai bersih total, kemudian celah
tersebut akan menutup kembali secara otomatis, dan di atas celah itu
akan tumbuh bunga Padma secara spontan untuk menghapus bau kotoran.

Para manusia yang telah mencapai masa lanjut-usia, tetap dapat keluar
rumah dan mengunjungi tempat yang sunyi ke dalam hutan, atau ke bawah
keteduhan pohon, di sana mereka dapat duduk dengan tenang di dalam
pondoknya, kemudian dengan suasana sangat aman dan tentram tanpa
diganggu apa pun, mereka dapat mengadakan perenungan terhadap Buddha dan
menghayati Sutra-Sutra hingga hidupnya berakhir secara wajar. Setelah
meninggal dunia mereka akan dilahirkan di Sorga Maha Brahma atau di alam
suci di sisi para Buddha.

Situasi di Negeri yang dikuasai oleh Sang Maitreya itu sangat aman dan
tentram, sama sekali tidak ada permusuhan, pencurian, dan perampokan.
Rumah-rumah yang berada baik di kota atau di desa-desa tak usah ditutup
pintunya. Rakyatnya jarang ditimpa penderitaan seperti keruntuhan, rasa
gelisah, atau bencana banjir, kebakaran dan peperangan. Juga tidak ada
kelaparan, keracunan, dan pembunuhan. Rakyatnya semua memiliki perasaan
iba serta amat berwelas asih, sopan, rendah hati, harmonis, dan patuh.
Mereka selalu mengendalikan diri sendiri agar ke-6 inderanya selalu
dalam keadaan suci dan bersih. Ucapannya amat fasih dan sedap didengar.
Di antara mereka satu sama lain saling menyayang bagaikan orang tua
dengan anaknya, seperti anak yang mencintai orangtuanya
Satu saat dari pikiran yang dikuasai amarah membakar kebaikan yang telah dikumpulkan selama berkalpa-kalpa.
~ Mahavairocana Sutra

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Re: Sutra Tentang Maitreya Bodhisattva Mencapai Buddha
« Reply #5 on: 25 December 2008, 02:03:24 AM »
Taught and guided by Maitreya Buddha's lovingkindness, they will speak humble words. Their senses will be calm, and their features even and straight, as awe-inspiring as those of celestial youths. Those who have been observing the precept of not killing and not eating flesh will, for this reason, be reborn in that land.

      "The city of Kethama will be situated in the center of 84,000 small cities made of treasures, which serve as its satellites. Men and women, adults and children, living near or far, because of the spiritual power of the Buddha, will be able to see one another without any obstacles.

      "Everywhere in that world will be wish-fulfilling jeweled flowers that shine in the night. Flowers made of the seven treasures will rain down from the sky. Scattered all over the grounds will be blossoms of padma, utpala, kumada, puṇḍarīka, māndarāva, mahā-māndarāva, mañjūṣaka, and mahā-mañjūṣaka. Some of them, swept up by the wind, will be whirling in the air. The bathing pools, fountains, rivers, and lakes in the gardens and forests near the cities and villages of that land will naturally have the water of the eight virtues. Singing wonderful tunes will be geese, ducks, mandarin ducks, peacocks, parrots, halcyons, śārīs, melodious cuckoos, jīvajīvas, and the quick-sighted birds. Also flying and gathering in the trees and pools will be innumerable birds of diverse species, singing wonderful melodies.

      "Blooming day and night and never wilted will be golden, untainted, pure-radiance flowers, carefree pure-wisdom sunlight flowers, bright white seven-day fragrance flowers, and fragrant campaka flowers in six colors, as well as hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands of kinds of land and water blossoms, unmatched in fragrance and purity. The blue colors will radiate blue light; yellow colors, yellow light; red colors, red light; and white colors, white light. There will be trees bearing wish-fulfilling fruits, with their beautiful aroma permeating the land. Among the treasure mountains in the land will be fragrant trees, which will radiate golden light to pervade everywhere and emit pleasing scents to suffuse everything.

      "At that time there will always be fine fragrance in Jambudvīpa, making it like a mountain of fragrance. Streaming waters will be good and sweet, which can remove troubles. Rainfalls will be timely and the heavenly fields will ripen aromatic and beautiful crops of grain. Because of the powers of these godlike people, seven harvests will be reaped from one planting. Only a little effort will yield much return. Without weeds or muck, the crops of grains will thrive. As a reward for the merit of these sentient beings, the grains, complete with a hundred flavors, unmatched in aroma, will melt in their mouths, providing them with strength and vitality.

      "At that time, in that land, there will be a Wheel-Turning King named Rañca, endowed with the thirty-two major marks. He will have four types of armed forces, but he will not rule the four continents by military power. The king will have 1,000 sons, who are valiant and majestic, and enemies will naturally submit to them. The king will have seven precious things: First, the golden wheel, complete with the hub, the rim, and 1,000 spokes; second, the white elephant, white as a snow mountain, a magnificent spectacle as it stands on its seven limbs, like a mountain-king; third, the blue horse, with red mane and tail, hoofs made of the seven treasures, and flowers appearing underneath; fourth, the divine jewel, clearly visible, more than two elbows across, the radiance of which rains down treasures to fulfill the wishes of sentient beings; fifth, exquisite maidens, beautiful, wonderful, and limber as if boneless; sixth, the treasure minister, whose mouth spits out jewels, whose feet rain down jewels, and whose hands produce jewels; seventh, the military minister, who, by moving his body, can produce the four types of armed forces from the sky just like clouds.

      "His 1,000 sons and his people in this kingdom of the seven treasures will regard one another without any malice, but like a mother loving her son. At that time these sons of the king will take the precious jewels and construct a platform in front of the main palace, using the seven treasures. It will be 13 yojanas in height, with 30 decks. [Equipped with] 1,000 tiller-heads and 1,000 wheels, it can move easily.

      "There will be four great treasuries, each surrounded by four koṭi small treasuries. The great Elāpattra Treasury will be in the kingdom of Gandhāra; the great Pāṭaka Treasury in the kingdom of Mithila; the great Piṅgala Treasury in the kingdom of Sulaṭa; and the great Rañca Treasury in the kingdom of Vārāṇasī, near the mountain of ancient ṛṣis. These four great treasuries, filled with treasures, will be naturally uncovered, each radiating light to the distance of 1,000 yojanas, and each surrounded by four koṭi small treasuries. There will be four great dragons guarding these four treasuries and their respective small treasuries, which, shaped like lotus blossoms, stand above the ground. Uncountable multitudes will go to see these treasures, which will not be guarded by humans. When the multitudes see these treasures, their minds will not covet them. They will leave them on the ground, just like tiles, stones, grasses, trees, and chunks of dirt. When people see them, they will feel disgusted, saying to one another these words: 'As the Buddha has said, the sentient beings in the past, for the sake of these treasures, viciously harmed one another. They stole from and robbed one another, and they lied to and deceived one another, thus multiplying their sin and suffering in life and death. They all fell into enormous hells'

      "Nets made with jewels will hover over the city of Kethama. Jeweled bells, blown by breezes, just like bells being struck, will chime harmoniously, singing refuge in the Buddha, refuge in the Dharma, and refuge in the Saṅgha.
Satu saat dari pikiran yang dikuasai amarah membakar kebaikan yang telah dikumpulkan selama berkalpa-kalpa.
~ Mahavairocana Sutra

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Re: Sutra Tentang Maitreya Bodhisattva Mencapai Buddha
« Reply #6 on: 25 December 2008, 02:03:55 AM »
  "At that time, there in the city will be a great Brahmin named Subrahma. His wife, by the name of Brahmapati, also in the Brahmin caste, will be one who is gentle in nature. To them as parents, Maitreya Bodhisattva will be born. His stay in the womb will be like roaming in a celestial palace, and He will radiate great light, unobstructed by dirt and dust.

      "[As seen after birth,] His body will be purplish golden, complete with the thirty-two major marks of a great man. He will be seated on a jeweled lotus blossom, and sentient beings will not get tired of beholding him. His brilliant light will be unsurpassed, something gods and humans have never before seen. His strength will be immeasurable—The strength of each section of His body will surpass all the powerful dragons and elephants. The inconceivable radiance from His pores will illuminate infinite space, unhindered. The light of the sun, the moon, and the stars, as well as the light of water, fire, and gems, will all become inconspicuous like dust. His height will measure eighty elbows of Śākyamuni Buddha. His chest will be twenty-five elbows wide. His face will be twelve and a half elbows long. His nose in the center of His face will be tall and straight. His appearance will be sublime, complete with the unexcelled marks. Each mark will include 84,000 excellent characteristics, which will adorn Him like a cast golden statue. Each of His excellent characteristics will send out radiance, illuminating the distance of thousands of yojanas. His physical eyes, with blue and white parts, will look clear. His permanent light will encircle His body and face, hundreds of yojanas around. Clearly illuminated by this Buddha's light will be the sun, the moon, the stars, precious beads, and jewels, as well as lines of trees made of the seven treasures. All other lights will be of no use. The body of this Buddha will be tall like a golden mountain. Those who see Him will naturally be liberated from the three evil life-journeys.

      "At that time Maitreya Bodhisattva will observe carefully the faults of the five desires of the world and the sufferings of sentient beings sinking in the long flow, and He will pity those who are in the vast cycle of life and death. Observing suffering, emptiness, and impermanence with such insightful thoughts, He will not delight in family life, but will consider it as confining as a prison.

      "At that time the king Rañca, together with his ministers and the people of his kingdom, will take the platform made of the seven treasures, together with 1,000 jeweled curtains, 1,000 jeweled carriages, 1,000 koṭi jeweled bells, 1,000 jeweled vessels, and 1,000 jeweled urns, and offer them all to Maitreya Bodhisattva. After accepting them, Maitreya Bodhisattva will give them to the Brahmins. The Brahmins, after accepting them, will break them into pieces and share them. The Brahmins will all be surprised to see Maitreya Bodhisattva make such an enormous almsgiving. Maitreya Bodhisattva, seeing the evanescence and impermanence of the treasure platform, will know that saṁskṛta dharmas will all perish. Training Himself to remember impermanence, Maitreya Bodhisattva will praise past Buddhas as the cool nectar, with a stanza on impermanence:

    'All processes are impermanent,
    Which are the dharma of birth and death.
    Having ended birth and death,
    Nirvāṇa is delight!'

      "After speaking this stanza, Maitreya Bodhisattva will renounce family life to learn the Way and to sit under the bodhi tree of dragon flowers in the sublime vajra maṇḍala. This tree will be 50 yojanas tall, with its branches and leaves spreading all about, radiating great bright light. Its branches will be like a jeweled dragon, spitting out hundreds of jeweled flowers. Its flowers and leaves will be in the colors of the seven treasures, and its fruits in various colors will be pleasing to sentient beings. No tree in the heavens or the human world can compare.

      "At that time Maitreya Bodhisattva, together with 84,000 Brahmins, will go to this maṇḍala. To renounce family life and to learn the Way, He will shave off his own hair. He will renounce family life in the morning and, in the evening of the same day, will subjugate the four kinds of māras and attain anuttara-samyak-saṁbodhi. He will then speak in verse:

    'Long thinking of the sufferings of sentient beings
    And wanting to rescue them, I was unable to do so.
    Today I have attained the bodhi.
    Suddenly, obstructions are no more.
    I have also verified that sentient beings are śūnyatā
    And that the original nature and appearance are true reality.
    My sorrows and sufferings nevermore,
    My lovingkingness and compassion are unconditional.
    For the sake of rescuing you all,
    I have given to innumerable people
    My kingdom, my head, my eyes,
    My hands, my feet, and my wife.
    Beginning today are my liberation
    And the unsurpassed great silence and stillness.
    I will expound them to you all
    And widely open the Sweet Nectar Way.
    Such a fruition of great reward
    Is all born from great endurance in the six pāramitās,
    Such as almsgiving, observing precepts, and developing wisdom.
    It is acquired also from great lovingkindness and compassion
    As well as from untainted virtues.'

      "Having spoken this stanza, Maitreya Buddha will remain silent. Then, god-kings, dragon-kings, and spirit-kings, without revealing themselves, will rain down flowers as offerings to this Buddha. The Three-Thousand Large Thousandfold World will quake in six ways. This Buddha's body will emit light, illuminating infinite lands. Those who can be delivered will be able to see this Buddha.

      "At that time, in the Flower Grove Garden, the god-king Śakro-Devānām-Indra, the four god-kings who protect the world, the great Brahma-kings, and innumerable god-sons will bow their heads down at the feet of this Buddha. Joining their palms, they will request Him to turn the Dharma wheel. At that time Maitreya Buddha will grant their request in silence. He will tell the Brahma-kings, 'In the long night, I have undergone enormous sufferings and cultivated the six pāramitās. Finally, I have fulfilled the Dharma Ocean today. To pronounce the Dharma to you all, I will rightfully erect the Dharma banner, beat the Dharma drum, blow the Dharma conch shell, and rain down the Dharma rain. None of the gods and humans can turn the Dharma wheel of the Eightfold Right Path, which can be turned by Buddhas only. Its meaning is impartial, and it leads straight to the unsurpassed silence and stillness of that which is asaṁskṛta. It can enable sentient beings to end their sufferings in the long night. This Dharma is so profound that it is hard to obtain, hard to enter, hard to believe, and hard to understand. No one in the world can know it or see it. However, through it, one can cleanse one's mental defilements and acquire myriads of Brahma actions.'
Satu saat dari pikiran yang dikuasai amarah membakar kebaikan yang telah dikumpulkan selama berkalpa-kalpa.
~ Mahavairocana Sutra

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Re: Sutra Tentang Maitreya Bodhisattva Mencapai Buddha
« Reply #7 on: 25 December 2008, 02:04:28 AM »
    "As these words are being said, from other worlds, innumerable hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, and koṭis of god-sons, goddess-daughters, and great Brahma-kings, riding their celestial palaces, will come. Holding celestial flowers, they will offer them to this Tathāgata and circumambulate Him hundreds of thousands of times. They will fully prostrate themselves on the ground, and, joining their palms, they too will implore this Buddha. The celestial music sounding without being played, the Brahma-kings will speak with one voice, saying in verse:

    'Without a Buddha,
    Immeasurable, uncountable years have passed in waste,
    And sentient beings have gone down to the evil life-paths.
    When the eye of the world is gone,
    The three evil life-paths will widen and expand,
    And the road to the heavens will be blocked.
    Today the Buddha has appeared in the world.
    The three evil life-paths will be annihilated,
    And the multitude of gods and humans will increase.
    We pray that You will open the Sweet Nectar Door,
    Enabling the minds of sentient beings not to cling,
    But to attain nirvāṇa quickly.
    We, the Brahma-kings, have heard
    That a Buddha has appeared in the world.
    Because we now have encountered the Buddha,
    The unsurpassed Dharma King,
    The palaces in Brahma Heavens are grander,
    And the light of our body becomes brighter.
    For the sake of all multitudes in the ten directions,
    We implore the great guiding teacher,
    Praying that He will open the Sweet Nectar [Door]
    And turn the unsurpassed Dharma wheel.'

      "Having spoken this stanza, they again will bow their heads down to the ground. Joining their palms, three times they will ask earnestly, 'We pray only that the World-Honored One will turn the profound wondrous Dharma wheel to eradicate the roots of sufferings of sentient beings, enabling them to walk far away from the three poisons and unwholesome deeds and to break away from the four evil life-paths.'

      "At that time Maitreya the World-Honored One will smile and emit light in five colors, silently granting the request of the Brahma-kings. Having perceived the Buddha's approval, the god-sons and the innumerable multitudes will be immeasurably exultant and exhilarated all over their body, just like filial sons finding their deceased beloved father suddenly come back to life. The joy of the multitudes will be on the same scale. The multitude of gods will circumambulate the World-Honored One to the right uncountable number of times, and then, with tireless reverence and adoration, they will step back to stand on one side.

      "At that time the huge multitude will all have this thought: 'Although we can enjoy the pleasures of the five desires for thousands of koṭis of years, we cannot avoid the sufferings of the three evil life-paths. Wives and riches cannot save us [from this karma]. The world is impermanent and life will not last for long. We should train in the pure Brahma way in the Buddha Dharma.'

      "After this thought they will think another thought: 'The gratification of the five desires for innumerable kalpas, like the life span of gods in No Perception Heaven, which lasts for innumerable koṭis of kalpas, and the fine and smooth tactile sensations from making merry with playmate goddesses will come to an end. Then we will go down to the three evil life-paths to undergo immeasurable sufferings. The few pleasures are illusory, not worth mentioning. When we enter hell, the enormous fire will be glaringly ablaze. It will be hard to escape from the immeasurable sufferings for hundreds of thousands of koṭis of kalpas. It will be hard to eradicate the tribulations in the long night. Today we have encountered the Budhha, and we should endeavor to make energetic progress.'

      "At that time the king Rañca will chant aloud in verse:

    'The pleasures of life in heaven
    Will eventually come to an end.
    Before long will come a fall to hell,
    Which is like a pile of raging fire.
    We should take quick action
    To renounce family life and learn the Buddha Way.'

      "Having spoken these words, Rañca the Wheel-Turning King, surrounded reverently by 84,000 great ministers and escorted by the four god-kings, will go to the Flower Grove Garden. Under the dragon flower tree, he will ask Maitreya Buddha for permission to renounce family life, and he will make obeisance to the Buddha. Before he raises his head, his hair and beard will fall off by themselves, and he will be dressed in a monk's robe, becoming a śramaṇa.

      "At that time Maitreya Buddha, together with the king Rañca, surrounded reverently by 84,000 great ministers as well as bhikṣus and innumerable Dharma protectors in the eight classes such as gods and dragons, will enter the city of Kethama. As soon as He steps over the threshold of the gate, the Sahā World will quake in six ways. The ground of Jambudvīpa will turn into golden color. The ground in the center of the great city of Kethama is made of vajra. Up from the ground will naturally rise the jeweled vajra throne, upon which past Buddhas have seated, and lines of jeweled trees. Gods will rain down from the sky enormous jeweled flowers. Dragon-kings will play music, spitting flowers from their mouths and raining flowers from their pores, as offerings to the Buddha. This Buddha will be seated on this throne to turn the right Dharma wheel. He will pronounce the noble truth of suffering, the noble truth of its cause, the noble truth of its annihilation, and the noble truth of the path. He will also expound the Thirty-seven Elements for the Attainment of Bodhi. He will also pronounce the Twelve Links of Dependent Arising: conditioned upon ignorance are karmic actions; conditioned upon karmic actions is [ālaya] consciousness; conditioned upon [ālaya] consciousness are name and form; conditioned upon name and form are the six faculties; conditioned upon the six faculties is making contact; conditioned upon making contact is sensory reception; conditioned upon sensory reception is love, conditioned upon love is grasping; conditioned upon grasping is karmic becoming; conditioned upon karmic becoming is birth; and conditioned upon birth are aging and death, together with anxiety, sorrow, misery, and distress.'

      "At that time the earth will quake in six ways. The sound will be heard throughout this Three-Thousand Large Thousandfold World and even immeasurable and boundless worlds, each from Avīci Hell below to Akaniṣṭha Heaven at the top. At that time the four god-kings, each leading innumerable ghosts and spirits, will chant loudly, 'When the Buddha sun rises, the Dharma rain will fall. The eye of the world has just opened today. Let the eight classes of Dharma protectors of the great earth which are ready for the Buddha all hear and know this.'

      "The gods in the Thirty-Three Heavens, Yāma Heaven, Tuṣita Heaven, Nirmāṇa-Rati Heaven, Paranirmita-Vaśa-Vartin Heaven, and even Great Brahma Heaven, in their respective places, will chant loudly, 'When the Buddha sun rises, the sweet nectar falls. The eye of the world has just opened today. Let those who are ready all hear and know this.'

      "At that time the eight classes of Dharma protectors such as gods and dragons, as well as the spirts of mountains, trees, medicinal herbs, water, fire, earth, cities, dwellings, and so forth, joyful and exuberant, will also chant loudly.

      "Furthermore, 84,000 Brahmins, intelligent and very wise, following after the great king Rañca, will renounce family life to learn the Way in the Buddha Dharma. An elder named Sudatta, who is none other than the Elder Sudatta today, together with 84,000 people, will also renounce family life. Two brothers named Ṛṣidatta and Pūraṇa, together with 84,000 people, will also renounce family life. Two great ministers valued by the king, respectively named Brahmadamāli and Sumana, together with 84,000 people, will also renounce family life to learn the Way in the Buddha Dharma. The Wheel-Turning King's precious daughter, called Śāmivatī, who is none other than the lady Viśākhā today, together with 84,000 fair ladies, will also renounce family life. The king Rañca's crown prince, called Sky Golden Color, who is none other than the son of the Elder Devavana today, together with 84,000 people, will also renounce family life. The son of a Brahmin relative of Maitreya Buddha, called Sumati, who is none other than the son of the bhikṣuṇī Catarabhadra today, together with 84,000 people, will also renounce family life. Only one of the 1,000 sons of the king Rañca will be reserved for succeeding to the throne. The remaining 999 sons, together with 84,000 people, will all renounce family life in order to be in the Buddha Dharma. Immeasurable multitudes such as these, seeing the sufferings in the world and the blazing force of the five aggregates, will all renounce family life so as to be in the Dharma of Maitreya Buddha.

      "At that time Maitreya Budddha, with His mind of great lovingkindness, will speak these words to the multitude: 'You now have come to me, not for the sake of the pleasures of the next life in heaven or the pleasures of this life, but for the sake of the conditions for the eternal bliss of nirvāṇa. You have already planted your roots of goodness in the Buddha Dharma. When Śākyamuni Buddha appeared in the world of the five turbidities, He rebuked you variously, expounded the Dharma to you, and taught you to plant [good] conditions for the future. Now that you have seen me, I will accept all of you. Some of you have been reborn at the place where I am because they have cultivated virtues, whether by reading and reciting, or by decisively classifying in the Tripiṭaka the Sūtras, the Vinaya, and the Abhidharma, whether by expounding or praising their tenets to others, whether by, without jealousy, teaching others and having them accept and uphold [the Dharma]. Some of you have been reborn at the place where I am because they have cultivated virtues by giving others food and clothing, observing the precepts, and developing wisdom. Some of you have been reborn at the place where I am because they have cultivated virtues by offering the Buddha music, canopies, flowers, incense, and bright lamps. Some of you have been reborn at the place where I am because they have cultivated virtues by offering food regularly to the Saṅgha, erecting the monks' living quarters, providing them with the four necessities, or observing the eight precepts and the vegetarian regimen for developing the mind of lovingkindness. Some of you have been reborn at the place where I am because they have cultivated virtues by invoking profound lovingkindness and compassion for sentient beings in misery and personally bearing their sufferings to give them happiness. Some of you have been reborn at the place where I am because they have cultivated virtues by developing the pure mind of lovingkindness by observing the precepts and enduring adversities. Some of you have been reborn at the place where I am because they have cultivated virtues by building temples or offering food to the monks who came from everywhere to attend the Dharma assemblies. Some of you have been reborn at the place where I am because they have cultivated such virtues as meditation and affliction-free wisdom by observing the precepts and hearing much [of the Dharma]. Some of you have been reborn at the place where I am because they have cultivated virtues by erecting pagodas, making offerings to holy relics, or thinking of the dharma body of Buddhas. Some of you have been reborn at the place where I am because they have cultivated virtues by rescuing and liberating those who were in hardship, poverty, solitude, or bondage to others, or those who were about to be tortured or executed by the law, or those who were in enormous misery because of their karma of the eight difficulties. Some of you have been reborn at the place where I am because they have cultivated virtues by skillfully bringing to union and harmony those who were in tremendous misery because of love, separation, faction, or dispute.'
Satu saat dari pikiran yang dikuasai amarah membakar kebaikan yang telah dikumpulkan selama berkalpa-kalpa.
~ Mahavairocana Sutra

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Re: Sutra Tentang Maitreya Bodhisattva Mencapai Buddha
« Reply #8 on: 25 December 2008, 02:05:04 AM »
 "Having spoken these words, Maitreya Buddha will praise Śākyamuni Buddha: 'Very good! Very good! He was able to teach and convert, in the world of the five turbidities, hundreds, thousands, tens of thousand, and koṭis of evil sentient beings, enabling them to develop their roots of goodness and to be reborn at the place where I am.'

      "Maitreya Buddha will repeat His praise of Śākyamuni Buddha three times and then speak in verse:

    'The great guiding teacher, enduring adversities and fiercely valiant,
    Was able to teach, convert, and bring evil sentient beings to maturity
    In the unwholesome world of the five turbidities,
    Enabling them to train themselves and to see the [next] Buddha.
    Enduring enormous suffering in carrying sentient beings,
    He has led them to eternal bliss in that which is asaṁskṛta,
    And has advised His disciples to come to the place where I am.
    To glorify nirvāṇa, I now will pronounce to you the Four Noble Truths,
    As well as the Thirty-seven Elements of Bodhi
    And the Twelve Links of Dependent Arising.
    You should observe that which is asaṁskṛta
    And enter the state of quiet śūnyatā.'

      "Having spoken this stanza, Maitreya Buddha will also praise those who were able to achieve difficult things at that time in the painful evil world. He will say, 'You were able to observe the precepts and perform virtuous deeds among people who were greedy, angry, deluded, confused, and short-lived. That is rare! At that time sentient beings did not appreciate their parents, nor śramaṇas or Brahmins. Not knowing the Bodhi Way, they harassed and harmed one another, resorting to violence and war. Deeply addicted to the five desires, they were jealous and sycophantic. Deceitful, sinister, and pitiless, they killed, ate flesh, and drank blood. They had no respect for teachers and elders, and they did not know beneficent friends. They did not know such things as requiting kindness. Born into the world of the five turbidities, they had no sense of shame or dishonor. Day and night in the six periods, they performed evil deeds continuously, not recognizing limits. They did only the unwholesome, gathering evil deeds such as the five rebellious acts, like densely arranged fish scales, never feeling disgusted. Clans and even nine branches of family could not help one another.'

      "'Very good! Very good! Śākyamuni Buddha, with great skillfulness and wisdom, out of profound lovingkindness and compassion, was able to speak honest words in a gentle and pleasant manner to longsuffering sentient beings, announcing that I will deliver all of you. Such a guiding teacher who has illuminating keen wisdom is a rarity in the world and hard to encounter. Deeply pitying the sentient beings in the evil world, He wanted to eradicate their sufferings and give them peace and joy, enabling them to enter the highest truth in the profound dharma nature. In three asaṁkhyeya kalpas, Śākyamuni Buddha, for your sake, trained in difficult ways and ascetic practices, enduring sufferings as he gave others his head and cut off his ears, nose, hands, and feet. It was for the sake of the Eightfold Right Path and for liberating you equally, to benefit you.'

      "In this way Maitreya Buddha will guide and comfort innumerable sentient beings, making them happy. The sentient beings at that time will be such that their bodies will be purely instilled with the Dharma, their minds will be full of the Dharma, and their mouths will always pronounce the Dharma. The population will be composed of those who have merit and wisdom. Even gods will respect, trust, and admire them."

      "At that time the great guiding teacher Maitreya Buddha will want them each to hear about their sufferings in the past. He will also think this thought: 'The five impure desires are the roots of sufferings, but the knowledge that sufferings and pleasures are both impermanent can remove their anxieties and sorrows. He will then pronounce to them the five aggregates: form, sensory reception, perception, mental processing, and consciousness, as well as sufferings, emptiness, impermanence, and the nonexistence of self. As He speaks these words, 96 koṭi people will no longer embrace the dharmas [perceived by the senses]. Having ended their discharge of afflictions and liberated their minds, they will attain Arhatship, complete with the Three Clarities, Six Transcendental Powers, and Eight Liberations. Thirty-six thousand god-sons and twenty thousand god-daughters will activate their anuttara-samyak-saṁbodhi mind. Among the eight classes of Dharma protectors such as gods and dragons, some will become Srotāpannas, entering the holy stream, and others will plant the conditions for going the Pretyekabuddha Way. Those who will activate the mind toward the unsurpassed Way will be so numerous that it will be beyond reckoning.

      "At that time Maitreya Buddha, together with 96 koṭi great bhikṣus and the king Rañca, surrounded by 84,000 great ministers, bhikṣus, and retinues, just like the son of the moon-god encircled by stars, will set off from the city of Kethama and return to the Flower Grove Garden. At that time the lesser kings and elders in the cities and settlements in Jambudvīpa, as well as those from the four castes, will all gather under the dragon flower tree in the Flower Grove Garden. [In this second great assembly,] Maitreya the World-Honored One will again pronounce the Four Noble Truths and the Twelve Links of Dependent Arising. Then 94 koṭi people will attain Arhatship. In other worlds, the gods and the eight classes of Dharma protectors, as well as people as numerous as the sands of 64 koṭi Ganges Rivers, will all activate the anuttara-samyak-saṁbodhi mind, standing firm at the level of no regress.

      "In the third great assembly, 92 koṭi people will attain Arhatship, and 34 koṭi members in the eight classes of Dharma protectors, such as gods and dragons, will invoke the saṁbodhi mind. At that time Maitreya Buddha will again pronounce the Four Noble Truths, turning the profound wonderful Dharma wheel. Having delivered these gods and humans, Maitreya Buddha will lead his voice-hearer disciples and the eight classes of Dharma protectors such as gods and dragons, together with the multitudes, and enter the city of Kethama to beg for food. Innumerable gods from Pure Abode Heavens will reverently follow the Buddha into the city. Upon entering the city, the Buddha will demonstrate his spiritual powers with 18 transformations: Water will manifest below His body, like precious beads, and transform into a plateau of light, illuminating lands in the ten directions. Fire will manifest above His body, radiating purplish golden light like Mount Sumeru. He will appear enormous, filling the sky, and then transform into vaiḍūrya. He will appear miniscule, like a mustard seed, and then vanish. He will rise in the ten directions and then vanish in the ten directions. He will make all humans to have bodies like the Buddha's. He will perform immeasurable manifestations, using various kinds of spiritual powers, and viewers who are ready will all be liberated.

      "The god-king Śakro-Devānām-Indra, his 32 ministers, the gods from the desire realm, the god-kings from Brahma Heavens, and gods from the form realm, together with god-sons and goddess-daughters, will remove and scatter over the Buddha their celestial necklaces and robes, which will turn into a canopy of flowers. Celestial music will sound without being played, hymning the virtues of the Buddha. As an offering to the Buddha, celestial flowers and various scents of sandalwood will rain profusely down from the sky. Banners will be erected on streets and roads. Choice incense will be burning, its smoke resembling clouds.

      "When Maitreya the World-Honored One is entering the city, the god-king from Great Brahma Heaven and the god-king Śakro-Devānām-Indra will reverently join their palms and praise the Buddha in verse:

    'The Samyak-Saṁbuddha, the Two-footed Honored One,
    In heaven and on earth, no one can compare.
    The World-Honored One with the Ten Powers is rare.
    He is the unsurpassed supreme field of good fortune.
    Those who make offerings to Him will be reborn in heaven,
    And in the future will be liberated and dwell in nirvāṇa.
    Obeisance to the unsurpassed great attainment!
    Obeisance to the great guiding teacher with the mind of lovingkindness!'

      "The god-king Dhṛtarsaṣtra in the east, the god-king Virūḍhaka in the south, the god-king Virūpākṣa in the west, and the god-king Vaiśravaṇa in the north, together with their retinues, with a pure mind, joining their palms reverently, will praise the World-Honored One in verse:

    'None in the Threefold Realm can compare
    To the one adorned with great compassion,
    Who has realized and understood the highest truth.
    He has penetrated the nature of sentient beings
    And the appearances of all dharmas,
    Seeing both enter the nature of emptiness.
    Standing firm in śūnyatā,
    He diligently makes energetic progress,
    Yet nothing has been made, no footprints left behind.
    I now make obeisance
    To the great guiding teacher who has the mind of lovingkindness.
    When sentient beings do not see the Buddha,
    They undergo life and death in the long night,
    Going down to the three evil life-paths,
    Or assuming a woman's body.
    Today the Buddha has appeared in the world,
    Who will eradicate sufferings and give peace and joy.
    The population on the three evil life-paths is diminishing,
    And women no longer depend on flattery and deceit.
    All [unfortunate ways] should come to rest.
    Having fulfilled the great nirvāṇa,
    The one who will relieve misery with great compassion,
    For giving delight, has appeared in the world.
    When he was a Bodhisattva,
    He has always given others all the joy,
    Never killing or distressing others.
    His endurance is like the great earth.
    I now make obeisance
    To the great guiding teacher who has endured all adversities.
    I now make obeisance
    To the great man who is loving-kind and compassionate.
    Having himself transcended the sufferings of life and death,
    He can rescue sentient beings from tribulations.
    Like a lotus blossom born from fire,
    He is unequaled in the world!'
Satu saat dari pikiran yang dikuasai amarah membakar kebaikan yang telah dikumpulkan selama berkalpa-kalpa.
~ Mahavairocana Sutra

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Re: Sutra Tentang Maitreya Bodhisattva Mencapai Buddha
« Reply #9 on: 25 December 2008, 02:05:50 AM »
 "At that time Maitreya the World-Honored One will beg for food from one door to the next. Then he will lead the bhikṣus to the original place, where he will enter deep dhyāna, not moving for seven days and seven nights. Maitreya Buddha's disciples will be stately in appearance, like the forms of gods, but they will all be tired of birth, old age, illness, and death. They will all hear much [of the Dharma], study and guard the Dharma store, and practice meditative concentration. They will all succeed in abandoning desires, like a bird leaving the eggshell.

      "At that time the god-king Śakro-Devānām-Indra, together with the god-sons from the desire realm, joyful and exuberant, will speak in verse:

    'The great guiding teacher, the refuge of the world!
    His Wisdom-eye clearly sees all in the ten directions.
    He surpasses gods in knowledge and virtue.
    With the right name and meaning, He benefits sentient beings.
    May we, who are like sprouts,
    Together with Your disciples, go to that mountain
    To make offerings to that disciple of the affliction-free Śākyamuni Buddha,
    Who was the foremost in the dhūta way of life?
    We should see the Dharma robe worn by the past Buddha
    And hear the Dharma He has bequeathed.
    For the unwholesome evil karma in our past lives in the turbid evil kalpa,
    We need to repent so as to be purified.'

      "At that time Maitreya Buddha, together with his great disciples and the sentient beings that were headstrong in their past lives in the Sahā World, will go to the Gṛdhrakūṭa Mountain. Having arrived at its foot, they will serenely walk up the Wolf Track Mountain. After they have reached the summit, Maitreya Buddha will touch the ground with his big toe. Forthwith, the great earth will move in eighteen ways. Then Maitreya Buddha will split the cliff with both hands, just like the Wheel-Turning King opening the gate of a great city, [to find Mahākāśyapa inside].

      "At that time the Brahma-kings will pour scented oil on the crown of Mahākāśyapa's head and over his body. Next, they will beat the great Dharma instruments and blow the great Dharma conch shells. Mahākāśyapa will then rise from the Samādhi of Total Supension of Senses. He will straighten his robe, bare his right shoulder, keel on his right knee, and join his palms. On both knees, he will hold the Dharma robe worn by Śākyamuni Buddha and offer it to Maitreya Buddha, saying these words: 'The great teacher Śākyamuni, the Tathāgata, Arhat, Samyak-Saṁbuddha, upon His parinirvāṇa, entrusted me with His Dharma robe and commanded me to offer it to You the World-Honored One.'

      "Meanwhile, everyone in the multitudes will ask Maitreya Buddha, 'Why on this mountaintop today is a human-headed worm, puny, ugly, and dressed in the śramaṇa's habit, able to pay homage and make obeisance to the World-Honored One?'

      "Then Maitreya Buddha will rebuke His great disciples. He will speak in verse, telling them not to despise this person:

    'The peacock has beautiful colors,
    But it can be eaten by the eagle.
    The white elephant has infinite strength,
    But the lion-son, although young,
    Can grab and eat it like dirt.
    The great dragon has an enormous body,
    But it can be snatched by the golden-winged garuḍa.
    The tall and large human body,
    Plump, white, and handsome,
    Is a vessel made of the seven treasures, but filled with feces.
    Its filth is unbearable.
    This person, although diminutive,
    Has wisdom like refined gold.
    Having long ended the afflictions and habits,
    With nothing left of the sufferings of life and death,
    For protecting the Dharma, he has stayed here.
    The most victorious among gods and humans,
    He has always carried out the dhūta practices.
    The most victorious among gods and humans,
    He is unequaled in ascetic training.
    Śākyamuni, the Two-footed Honored One,
    Has sent him to the place where I am.
    You all should join your palms with a single mind
    And reverently make obeisance to him.'

      "Having spoken this stanza, Maitreya Buddha will tell the bhikṣus, 'Śākyamuni the World-Honored One has taught and converted sentient beings in the world of the five turbidities. Among His 1,250 disciples, there was one with a golden body, who was the foremost in the dhūta way of life. To learn the Way, he renounced family life and left his golden wife. Day and night he progressed energetically as if fighting a fire burning on his head. He was loving, kind, and compassionate to sentient beings that were poor and lowly, and always wanted to deliver them. For the sake of the Dharma, he has remained in the world. This person is none other than Mahākāśyapa.'

      "Having heard these words, the multitude will all make obeisance.

      "At that time Maitreya Buddha will use Śākyamuni Buddha's Dharma robe to cover his right hand, but it will cover only two of His fingers. Then He will [use it to] cover His left hand, but it will also cover only two of His fingers. The multitude, astonished by the tiny size of the past Buddha, will understand that it was caused by the sentient beings that were greedy and arrogant.

      "Maitreya Buddha will tell Mahākāśyapa, 'Now you can demonstrate your spiritual powers and pronounce all the sūtras of the past Buddha.'

      "Then Mahākāśyapa will jump up into the sky and display 18 transformations. He will manifest an enormous body, filling the sky. The huge body will transform into a tiny one, like a flower seed. Water will manifest above his body, and fire will appear under his body. He will walk on the ground as if it were water, and then walk on water as if it were ground. He will sit or lie down in the sky, not falling to the ground. He will appear in the east but vanish in the west, and then appear in the west but vanish in the east. He will appear in the south but vanish in the north, and then appear in the north but vanish in the south. He will appear on the edge but vanish in the center, and then appear in the center but vanish on the edge. He will appear above but vanish below, and then appear below but vanish above. He will turn into a vaiḍūrya grotto in the sky. By virtue of the spiritual power of the Buddha, he will pronounce with the Brahma tone Śākyamuni Buddha's sūtras in the twelve categories. When the multitude have heard [the teachings], they will marvel at them as something that never existed before. Then 80 koṭi people will erase their emotional defilements. They will attain Arhatship, staying in dharmas [of the senses] but no longer embracing them. Innumerable gods and humans will activate the bodhi mind.

      "Mahākāśyapa will descend from the sky and circumambulate Maitreya Buddha three times. He will make obeisance to the Buddha and state that all saṁskṛta dharmas are impermanent. He will say farewell to the Buddha and return to the place where he has been, in the Gṛdhrakūṭa Mountain. Fire will burst from his body, and he will enter parinirvāṇa. Then his relics will be collected, and a pagoda will be erected on the mountaintop to enshrine his relics.

      "Maitreya Buddha will again praise him, 'Śākyamuni Buddha, in the midst of the multitude, always praised the bhikṣu Mahākāśyapa, saying that he was the foremost in the dhūta way of life and adept in meditation and the Liberation Samādhi. This person, although having great spiritual power, was never haughty. Always pitying sentient beings in poverty and sordidness, he was able to give them great joy.'

      "Maitreya Buddha will extol Mahākāśyapa's relics, saying, 'Very good! Mahākāśyapa, the great disciple of the Śakya lion of great spiritual virtue, was able to cultivate his mind in that evil world.'

      "At that time the relics of Mahākāśyapa will [appear in apparition and] speak in verse:

    'The dhūta practice is a treasury.
    Observing the precepts is the sweet nectar.
    One who can carry out the dhūta way of life
    Will definitely arrive at the ground of no death.
    One who observes the precepts will be reborn in heaven
    And in the bliss of nirvāṇa.'

      "After speaking this stanza, [the vision of] Mahākāśyapa, like liquid vaiḍūrya, will return into the pagoda.

      "The place where Maitreya Buddha will pronounce the Dharma will be 100 yojanas long and 80 yojanas wide. Each person in the multitudes, whether sitting or standing, whether near or far, will see the Buddha pronounce the Dharma for him alone. Maitreya Buddha will remain in the world for 60 koṭi years, and, out of sympathy for sentient beings, He will enable them to acquire the Dharma-eye. After His parinirvāṇa, gods and humans will cremate His body, and the Wheel-Turning King will collect the relics. Eighty-four thousand pagodas will be erected on the four continents. The true Dharma will remain in the world for 60,000 years, followed by the Dharma-likeness for 60,000 years as well. All of you should progress diligently, invoking your pure mind and performing good deeds. Then there is no doubt that you will see Maitreya Buddha, the luminous lamp of the world."

      After the Buddha had finished these words, the venerable Śāriputra and the venerable Ānanda rose from their seats, made obeisance to the Buddha, and knelt on their right knees. Joining their palms, they asked the Buddha, "World-Honored One, what is the name of this Sūtra? How should we uphold it?"

      The Buddha told Ānanda, "You should remember it well and expound it separately to all gods and humans. Do not be the person who will finally terminate the Dharma. The tenet of this Dharma is that all sentient beings should end the five rebellious acts, totally annihilate the hindrances caused by karmas, retributions, and afflictions, and cultivate the mind of lovinghindness, so as to walk with Maitreya Buddha. Accept and uphold it as such. This Sūtra is also called the Sūtra of All Sentient Beings, by Hearing the Name of Maitreya Buddha, Definitely Avoiding the World of the Five Turbidities and Not Going Down to the Evil Life-Paths. Accept and uphold it as such. It is also called the Sūtra of the Certainty to See Maitreya Buddha by Obliterating the Evil Karma of the Mouth, with a Mind like the Lotus Blossom. Accept and uphold it as such. It is also called the Sūtra of the Mind of Lovingkindness, Not Killing and Not Eating Flesh. Accept and uphold it as such. It is also called the Sūtra of Śākyamuni Buddha's Dharma Robe as the Evidence of Trust. Accept and uphold it as such. It is also called the Sūtra of Definite Avoidance of the Eight Difficulties If One Hears the Name of the Buddha. Accept and uphold it as such. It is also called the Sūtra of Maitreya Bodhisattva's Attainment of Buddhahood. Accept and uphold it as such."

      The Buddha told Śāriputra, "After the Buddha's parinirvāṇa, if, among bhikṣus, bhikṣuṇīs, upāsakas, and upāsikās, as well as the eight classes of Dharma protectors such as gods, dragons, and spirits, there are those who, having heard this Sūtra, accept and uphold it, read and recite it, and make obeisance and offerings to it, as well as respect Dharma masters, they will annihilate all their hindrances—karmas, retributions, and afflictions. They will definitely see Maitreya Buddha and [the rest of] the 1,000 Buddhas of this Worthy Kalpa. They will attain one of the three bodhis according their wish. They will not be reborn in a woman's body. They will renounce family life with the right view and achieve the great liberation."

      Having heard the Buddha's words, the multitude greatly rejoiced. All made obeisance to the Buddha and departed.
Satu saat dari pikiran yang dikuasai amarah membakar kebaikan yang telah dikumpulkan selama berkalpa-kalpa.
~ Mahavairocana Sutra

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Re: Sutra Tentang Maitreya Bodhisattva Mencapai Buddha
« Reply #10 on: 25 December 2008, 02:07:55 AM »
Sutra Tentang Bodhisattva Maitreya Menjadi Buddha

Di dalam suatu persamuan di Vihara Kebun Jetavana terdapat seorang Bodhisattva bernama Maitreya. Saat ia mendengar pengucapan Sang Buddha, Beliau langsung meperoleh ribuan Koti manta yang sangat praktis dari Buddha Sakyamuni. Kemudian Beliau bangkit dari tempat duduknya, merapikan jubahnya, merangkapkan kedua tangannya dengan sikap anjali berdiri disamping Sang Buddha.

Arya Upali menyembah Sang Buddha dengan dahi menyentuh lantai seraya berkata: “Oh. Lokanatha yang termulia, di dalam ingatan saya dahulu, Sang Buddha pernah berkotbah tentang Sang Ajita yang akan menjadi Buddha pada masa yang akan datang. Apakah hal ini benar? Seperti diketahui bahwa Sang Ajita masih beridentitas seorang manusia biasa, dimana masih banyak ikatan-ikatan duniawi yang dimilikinya yang belum bersih total, apakah Dia dapat dilahirkan di alam Buddha? Di alam manakah Dia akan lahir pada kehidupannya yang terakhir? Oh, Lokanatha yang termulia”.

“Baik sekali pertanyaan anda, Oh, Arya Upali,” sabda Sang Buddha Sakyamuni kepada Arya Upali: “Oh, Arya Upali ketahuilah bahwa kira-kira 12 tahun lagi mulai dari sekarang, Sang Arya Ajita akan dilahirkan di Surga Tusita setelah kehidupannya yang terakhir”.

Sang Budha Sakyamuni bersabda, “Tempat terbahagia di Surga Tusita khusus dianugerahkan kepada para umat yang pernah melaksanakan ‘Dasa Kusala Kamma’, yakni 10 perbuatan baik (1. Tidak membunuh; 2. Tidak mencuri; 3. Tidak berbuat asusila; 4. Tidak berdusta; 5. Tidak memfitnah; 6. Tidak berbicara kasar; 7. Tidak bicara kotor; 8. Tidak serakah; 9. Tidak membenci; 10. Tidak berpandangan keliru.)”.

Pada saat itu, Arya Upali bangkit dari tempat duduknya. Beliau merapikan jubahnya sambil memberi hormat kepada Sang Buddha Sakyamuni dengan dahi menyentuh lantai seraya berkata, “Oh, Lokanatha Yang Termulia, kapankah Sang Mahasattva Maitreya akan meninggalkan dunia Jambudvipa dan kemudian dilahirkan di Surga Tusita? Sudi kiranya diterangkan kepada kami sekalian.”

Sang Buddha bersabda kepada Sang Arya Upali, “Oh Arya Upali, tentang hari yang tepat adalah mulai dari sekarang menjelang 12 tahun lagi, pada tanggal 15 bulan 2. Tatkala suatu peristiwa yang sangat hebat akan terjadi di rumah Maha Brahmana Pravari yang terletak di desa Kapali, di negeri Varanasi (Benares), tanah tumpah darah Sang Ajita. Pada saat itulah seorang Mahasattva bernama Maitreya (Ajita) akan duduk bersila dan tengah melakukan Samadhi di ruangan rumah tersebut. Saat itu seluruh badannya berwarna keemasan. Sinarnya amat terang seperti ratusan ribu sinar matahari. Terus memancar hingga ke Surga Tusita, pada saat inilah Sang Ajita meninggalkan Jambudvipa. Saat itu jenazahnya masih duduk bersila, tetap teguh, persis seperti Buddha rupang yang terbuat dari emas dan memiliki sinar berbentuk lingkaran di kepala-Nya. Di dalam lingkaran terdapat aksara Sansekerta yaitu: ‘Surangama Samadhi Nirdisa Prajna Paramita’ yang amat nyata dan terang. Sejak itu, desa Kapali sering dikunjungi umat manusia aupun Dwata. Mereka dengan khidmat mendirikan stupa Mestika untuk memelihara dan memuja Sarira-Nya.

“Oh, Arya Upali, pada saat yang sama di dalam istana Surga Tusita, seorang suci lahir di dalam sekuntum bunga teratai besar. Ketika Ia lahir, Ia telah duduk bersila ditengah mahkota bunganyadan seluruh badannya berwarna keemasan seperti emas Jambunada. Tingginya 16 Yojana. Badan-Nya telah memiliki “Dvantrimsa Maha Purusa Laksana’, yakni 32 tanda fisik agung, juga dilengkapi 80 jenis tanda bagus. Kemudian segumpal Unisha juga menonjol di puncak kepala-Nya. Warna rambut-Nyapun seperti Lazurdi, kebiru-biruan, Sebuah mahkota Surga penuh permata ‘Sakrabhilagna-Mani-Ratna’ serta ratusan ribu koti permata “Kimsuka’ terpasang di kepala-Nya.”

Sang Buddha melanjutkan Sabdanya, “Oh Arya Upali, ketahuilah bahwa sejak itu Bodhisattva-Mahasattva Maitreya 3 kali di siang hari dan 3 kali di malam hari bersama-sama dengan para putra-putri Dewata yang duduk di atas tahta bunga masing-masing, menguraikan atau menganalisa tentang pelaksanaan “Avinivartaniya Dharma Cakra’ kepada para pengikutnya. Setelah pelajaran Dharma yang diajarkan Beliau itu genap satu periode, terdapat 500 koti siswa dari putra-putri Dewata itu yang tamat dari Dharma Avinivartaniya berasal dari Anuttara Samyak Sambodhi. Maka dari itu, sejak Beliau dilahirkan di Surga Tusita, tidak ada hari tanpa mengajar dengan maksud agar dapa menyebar Buddha Dharma ke berbagai Surga guna menyelamatkan para putra-putri Dewata bebas dari belenggu Surgawi, kemudian semua dilahirkan di negeri Buddha.

Sang Buddha melanjutkan SabdaNya, “Oh Arya Upali, tahukah anda bahwa setelah usia Sang Maitreya genap berusia 56 koti laksa tahun menurut penanggalan Jambudvipa, Beliau akan meninggalkan Surga Tusita dan kemudian di lahirkan di dunia Sahaloka yang dihuni oleh manusia dan makhluk-makhluk lain ini.”

Setelah Sang Buddha Sakyamuni mengkhotbahkan sutra ini, terdapat 100 ribu Bodhisattva yang datang dari berbagai dunia. Semua memperoleh ‘Surangama Samadhi’, 80 ribu koti para Dewata yang datang dari berbagai Surga dan semua dapat membangkitkan Bodhicittanya dan bertekad dilahirkan didunia Jambudvipa menjadi pengikut Sang Maitreya pada masa mendatang.

Pada saat itu, para siswa siswi Buddha Sakyamuni yang berasal dari keempat kelompok, para Dewa, Naga dan sebagainya bergembira mendengarkannya. Kemudian mereka bersikap anjali menghormati Sang Bhagava, lalu pergi.

( Sumber : Kalyanadhammo.net ; Tipitaka )
Satu saat dari pikiran yang dikuasai amarah membakar kebaikan yang telah dikumpulkan selama berkalpa-kalpa.
~ Mahavairocana Sutra

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Re: Sutra Tentang Maitreya Bodhisattva Mencapai Buddha
« Reply #11 on: 16 January 2009, 06:16:10 PM »
Sutra Tentang Bodhisattva Maitreya Menjadi Buddha

Di dalam suatu persamuan di Vihara Kebun Jetavana terdapat seorang Bodhisattva bernama Maitreya. Saat ia mendengar pengucapan Sang Buddha, Beliau langsung meperoleh ribuan Koti manta yang sangat praktis dari Buddha Sakyamuni. Kemudian Beliau bangkit dari tempat duduknya, merapikan jubahnya, merangkapkan kedua tangannya dengan sikap anjali berdiri disamping Sang Buddha.

Arya Upali menyembah Sang Buddha dengan dahi menyentuh lantai seraya berkata: “Oh. Lokanatha yang termulia, di dalam ingatan saya dahulu, Sang Buddha pernah berkotbah tentang Sang Ajita yang akan menjadi Buddha pada masa yang akan datang. Apakah hal ini benar? Seperti diketahui bahwa Sang Ajita masih beridentitas seorang manusia biasa, dimana masih banyak ikatan-ikatan duniawi yang dimilikinya yang belum bersih total, apakah Dia dapat dilahirkan di alam Buddha? Di alam manakah Dia akan lahir pada kehidupannya yang terakhir? Oh, Lokanatha yang termulia”.

“Baik sekali pertanyaan anda, Oh, Arya Upali,” sabda Sang Buddha Sakyamuni kepada Arya Upali: “Oh, Arya Upali ketahuilah bahwa kira-kira 12 tahun lagi mulai dari sekarang, Sang Arya Ajita akan dilahirkan di Surga Tusita setelah kehidupannya yang terakhir”.

Sang Budha Sakyamuni bersabda, “Tempat terbahagia di Surga Tusita khusus dianugerahkan kepada para umat yang pernah melaksanakan ‘Dasa Kusala Kamma’, yakni 10 perbuatan baik (1. Tidak membunuh; 2. Tidak mencuri; 3. Tidak berbuat asusila; 4. Tidak berdusta; 5. Tidak memfitnah; 6. Tidak berbicara kasar; 7. Tidak bicara kotor; 8. Tidak serakah; 9. Tidak membenci; 10. Tidak berpandangan keliru.)”.

Pada saat itu, Arya Upali bangkit dari tempat duduknya. Beliau merapikan jubahnya sambil memberi hormat kepada Sang Buddha Sakyamuni dengan dahi menyentuh lantai seraya berkata, “Oh, Lokanatha Yang Termulia, kapankah Sang Mahasattva Maitreya akan meninggalkan dunia Jambudvipa dan kemudian dilahirkan di Surga Tusita? Sudi kiranya diterangkan kepada kami sekalian.”

Sang Buddha bersabda kepada Sang Arya Upali, “Oh Arya Upali, tentang hari yang tepat adalah mulai dari sekarang menjelang 12 tahun lagi, pada tanggal 15 bulan 2. Tatkala suatu peristiwa yang sangat hebat akan terjadi di rumah Maha Brahmana Pravari yang terletak di desa Kapali, di negeri Varanasi (Benares), tanah tumpah darah Sang Ajita. Pada saat itulah seorang Mahasattva bernama Maitreya (Ajita) akan duduk bersila dan tengah melakukan Samadhi di ruangan rumah tersebut. Saat itu seluruh badannya berwarna keemasan. Sinarnya amat terang seperti ratusan ribu sinar matahari. Terus memancar hingga ke Surga Tusita, pada saat inilah Sang Ajita meninggalkan Jambudvipa. Saat itu jenazahnya masih duduk bersila, tetap teguh, persis seperti Buddha rupang yang terbuat dari emas dan memiliki sinar berbentuk lingkaran di kepala-Nya. Di dalam lingkaran terdapat aksara Sansekerta yaitu: ‘Surangama Samadhi Nirdisa Prajna Paramita’ yang amat nyata dan terang. Sejak itu, desa Kapali sering dikunjungi umat manusia aupun Dwata. Mereka dengan khidmat mendirikan stupa Mestika untuk memelihara dan memuja Sarira-Nya.

“Oh, Arya Upali, pada saat yang sama di dalam istana Surga Tusita, seorang suci lahir di dalam sekuntum bunga teratai besar. Ketika Ia lahir, Ia telah duduk bersila ditengah mahkota bunganyadan seluruh badannya berwarna keemasan seperti emas Jambunada. Tingginya 16 Yojana. Badan-Nya telah memiliki “Dvantrimsa Maha Purusa Laksana’, yakni 32 tanda fisik agung, juga dilengkapi 80 jenis tanda bagus. Kemudian segumpal Unisha juga menonjol di puncak kepala-Nya. Warna rambut-Nyapun seperti Lazurdi, kebiru-biruan, Sebuah mahkota Surga penuh permata ‘Sakrabhilagna-Mani-Ratna’ serta ratusan ribu koti permata “Kimsuka’ terpasang di kepala-Nya.”

Sang Buddha melanjutkan Sabdanya, “Oh Arya Upali, ketahuilah bahwa sejak itu Bodhisattva-Mahasattva Maitreya 3 kali di siang hari dan 3 kali di malam hari bersama-sama dengan para putra-putri Dewata yang duduk di atas tahta bunga masing-masing, menguraikan atau menganalisa tentang pelaksanaan “Avinivartaniya Dharma Cakra’ kepada para pengikutnya. Setelah pelajaran Dharma yang diajarkan Beliau itu genap satu periode, terdapat 500 koti siswa dari putra-putri Dewata itu yang tamat dari Dharma Avinivartaniya berasal dari Anuttara Samyak Sambodhi. Maka dari itu, sejak Beliau dilahirkan di Surga Tusita, tidak ada hari tanpa mengajar dengan maksud agar dapa menyebar Buddha Dharma ke berbagai Surga guna menyelamatkan para putra-putri Dewata bebas dari belenggu Surgawi, kemudian semua dilahirkan di negeri Buddha.

Sang Buddha melanjutkan SabdaNya, “Oh Arya Upali, tahukah anda bahwa setelah usia Sang Maitreya genap berusia 56 koti laksa tahun menurut penanggalan Jambudvipa, Beliau akan meninggalkan Surga Tusita dan kemudian di lahirkan di dunia Sahaloka yang dihuni oleh manusia dan makhluk-makhluk lain ini.”

Setelah Sang Buddha Sakyamuni mengkhotbahkan sutra ini, terdapat 100 ribu Bodhisattva yang datang dari berbagai dunia. Semua memperoleh ‘Surangama Samadhi’, 80 ribu koti para Dewata yang datang dari berbagai Surga dan semua dapat membangkitkan Bodhicittanya dan bertekad dilahirkan didunia Jambudvipa menjadi pengikut Sang Maitreya pada masa mendatang.

Pada saat itu, para siswa siswi Buddha Sakyamuni yang berasal dari keempat kelompok, para Dewa, Naga dan sebagainya bergembira mendengarkannya. Kemudian mereka bersikap anjali menghormati Sang Bhagava, lalu pergi.

( Sumber : Kalyanadhammo.net ; Tipitaka )

Sekedar informasi, Terjemahan Sutra ini tdk lengkap. Mungkin penerjemah ingin menampilkannya scr lebih singkat?

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Re: Sutra Tentang Maitreya Bodhisattva Mencapai Buddha
« Reply #12 on: 17 January 2009, 11:59:55 PM »
iya. lebih bagus merujuk pada versi yg di atasnya
Satu saat dari pikiran yang dikuasai amarah membakar kebaikan yang telah dikumpulkan selama berkalpa-kalpa.
~ Mahavairocana Sutra